Empowering PV Integration in the Built Environment: Advancing R&I Actions Towards 2030
Tue, 24 Sept
|Austria Center Vienna (ACV)
Side event on PV integration R&I perspective towards 2030.

Time & Location
24 Sept 2024, 13:30 – 15:00
Austria Center Vienna (ACV), Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Vienna
About the event
In 2024, the European Union adopted a rooftop mandate to deploy PV on as many of Europe’s buildings as possible. This represents an amazing opportunity for the PV sector with a tremendous deployment potential. PV integration is an answer to this technical, cultural and social challenge. Through innovation, integration of PV in buildings and infrastructures accompanies the evolution of the building as an active terminal in the energy system, while providing an excellent prism to understand the social changes that the building sector is undergoing.
This session, organized by the Increase project, a Horizon Europe funded project that looks to solve market uptake challenges to PV integrated in buildings and infrastructure via technical and social innovation, will explore the priorities for efforts in the coming years to allow integrated PV solutions to break through to the mainstream of the building sector.
The side event will open with two presentations on the ETIP PV SRIA Challenge 3 on “New Applications through Integration of Photovoltaics” and on the technical outcomes of the Increase project after one year of operation. The second part of the event will feature a high-level panel discussion beyond technical topics, with a focus on the role of technical and social innovation in unleashing the potential of Integrated PV, examining diverse project perspectives (Seamless-PV, MC2.0, Increase) and the interplay between standardization and co-creation for innovation. The discussions will be followed by a Q&A with the audience.
Check out the Parallel event program here: EU PVSEC 2024 program