At EU PVSEC 2024, the Increase project organised a side-event at the 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) in Vienna.

The event looked at advancing research and innovation actions for building-integrated PV, with panel discussions focusing on how to bridge the standardisation and customisation gap within the building-integrated PV (BIPV) sector, and how to engage all stakeholders in the BIPV ecosystem. Highlights from our discussion included:Bonna Newman, European Technology & Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP PV) Steering Committee Member, and Lightyear CEO, presenting ETIP PV's Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), and providing an overview of BIPV trends and priorities.

Antonin Faes from CSEM, presenting the Increase project, and its main outcomes on material development in relation to fire safety, coatings, and colours for BIPV modules.
Merit Tatar from the Institute of Baltic Studies, introducing the concept of co-creation developed by the Increase project, which incorporates the end-user perspective, and involves collaboration with local stakeholders at demonstration sites.
Pierluigi Bonomo from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), and the SEAMLESS-PV Project, outlining the cross-sectoral collaboration approach of the SEAMLESS-PV project, and its strong focus on the construction sector, and on education and training.
Giuseppina Polino from Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano (CEI), highlighting the importance of the harmonisation of BIPV standards at the European level.
Roland Valckenborg from TNO, introducing the concept of mass customisation developed by the MC2.0 project, which aims to solve standardisation challenges and enhance BIPV’s environmental footprint.
Simon Boddaert from CSTB, presenting how the Increase project, building on the work of the IEA PVPS Task 15. This programme is developing BIPV Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), to assess the multi-dimensional performance of BIPV solutions, in order to facilitate cross-sectional comparisons and support BIPV deployment overall.
Thanks to all of our speakers, panelists, and participants, for an engaging discussion on everything building-integrated solar!
EU PVSEC was the perfect occasion to meet up with Increase sister projects, SPHINX and the SEAMLESS-PV Project, and discuss our joint efforts to accelerate the implementation of integrated solar.We look forward to our continued collaboration with these projects at future events.

The SPHINX project’s main objective is to achieve (pre-fabricated, modular with various size) BIPV elements with the EU-based disruptive matrix shingling interconnection technology, prepared via a flexible production pilot line for different sizes and combined functionality needs, This would facilitate short construction times, and low costs at the building and infrastructure locations.
The SEAMLESS-PV project is an ambitious initiative funded by the Horizon Europe research programme. The project’s main objectives include amongst others, the development of a set of advanced flexible automated PV manufacturing equipment based on high efficiency c-Si technologies.
