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Breaking Down barriers: Advancing Integrated PV in Europe

ср, 24 квіт.


Thon Hotel EU

Breaking Down barriers: Advancing Integrated PV in Europe
Breaking Down barriers: Advancing Integrated PV in Europe

Час та місце

24 квіт. 2024 р., 14:00 – 18:00

Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium

Про захід

PV integration is a solution to make more surfaces available – buildings, highways, bridges and so on – to actively generate renewable electricity. It is a technical answer to the competing needs for space posed by the energy transition, economic and social imperatives and cultural significance, especially in urban areas. The technology is emerging rapidly. As part of the Increase project this workshop will aim to bring together different stakeholder to make sure solutions proposed by the Integrated PV sector are relevant for the needs of our built environment.

IPV uptake can contribute to reaching decarbonisation objectives at European and local level, as well as to European initiatives, including the Renovation Wave, the EU Mission on climate-neutral and smart Cities, and the New European Bauhaus. The IPV sector bring together a wide range of stakeholders, common workshops and events will contribute to enable cross-sectoral cooperation and understanding between the concerned stakeholders.

To address known barriers and evaluate potential additional obstacles to IPV uptake, a cross-sectoral round-table at European level will be organised. The workshop will enable the assessment of awareness regarding BIPV from the different stakeholders, as well as the exploration of strategies to enhance the incorporation of this technology in buildings and infrastructures construction and renovation projects.

The round-table will bring together representatives from the construction sector, PV industry, Distribution System Operators (DSOs), regulators, architects, financing and insurance sector, and planning and permitting bodies, at European level. It will provide a platform to discuss and address barriers identified in the standards, legal, regulatory, and economic aspects of IPV adoption at European level. The workshop will also contribute to understand the perception of IPV and level of expertise of stakeholders, as well as building knowledge among them and increase their awareness regarding IPV.


  • Take stock of already existing experience and knowledge of integrated PV applications at European level
  • Support relevant European-level stakeholders by raising awareness of integrated PV
  • Facilitate the engagement of key IPV stakeholders
  • Promote the uptake of integrated PV


14:00 - Opening remarks and introduction to the activities

14:05 - Introduction to integrated PV

14:15 - Round-table discussion: Understanding Barriers to Integrated PV Uptake

This round-table session will convene representatives from various sectors critical to integrated PV activities across Europe, including architects, construction, insurance sector, PV industry and installers. Each speaker will present insights into he challenges and barriers encountered within their respective sector regarding the adoption of integrated PV solutions.

  • PV sector: Onyx or Sunstyle
  • Architects: Architects Council of Europe
  • Insurance sector: Insurance Europe or Allianz
  • Installers: EuropeOn (member or Sec) or EBC
  • Construction sector: Bouygues Construction

15:00 Open discussion

15:15 Workshop: Overcoming Barriers to Integrated PV Adoption

During this workshop session, participants will focus on the specific needs of various sectors to effectively address barriers and challenges hindering integrated PV uptake. Attendees will engage in discussions focusing on identifying the requirements and factors necessary for including integrated PV into projects within their respective sectors.

The discussions will be organised around the following themes:

  • Fire safety, technical systems and installation
  • Cost of installation, business models, insurance
  • Permitting, visual integration and environmental integration

16:00 Open discussion

Following the group discussions, each group will present their insights to stimulate further discussion and exchange of ideas among all participants.

16:30 Closing remarks

By addressing challenges and proposing viable solutions, the round-table will collect inputs from stakeholders to shape the work of Increase and present preliminary recommendations for the market uptake of PV. Furthermore, these recommendations will contribute to overcome regulatory barriers at European level, leading to effective and favourable policy and regulatory frameworks for IPV uptake.

Register here

Please note that participation confirmation will be sent via email.


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©2024 від Increase


Фінансовано програмою Європейського Союзу Horizon Europe, Innovation Actions згідно грантової угоди № 101136112. Перегляди

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