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Podgorica, Montenegro

What: Administration building of Capital

Partners involved: Onyx, KU Leuven, VITO, METABUILD

Podgorica_administration building

The building (1965) is one of the local administration’s office blocks, 1251 m² in surface area and has 3 floors. The outer walls are approximately 45 cm thick, without thermal insulation. 

In 2000, the heating system was replaced by a heat pump (heating and cooling). In summer, its capacity of the heat pump is insufficient. The economic-environmental assessment will be used to optimise the insulation thickness and identify the optimal amount of PV. 

A ventilated façade (foreseen to be 250 m² for the purpose of the demonstration) will be co-designed with the architects, citizen, and city administration, and will include low glare modules, modules with improved fire safety, (and possible combinations of these characteristics for specific modules). 

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