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Integrated PV Sister Projects








Meeting European climate targets demands a dramatic surge in renewable energy adoption. Although photovoltaic (PV) costs have decreased, integrated PV (IPV) remains a niche market due to persistent barriers. The EU-funded MASS-IPV project brings together key players to demonstrate how innovative tools and technologies can pave the way for the mass integration of cost-effective IPV systems in buildings and infrastructure. Through five distinct construction projects, the initiative will highlight the potential of multifunctional and cost-effective IPV systems. This project is a crucial step towards achieving substantial growth in renewable energy implementation, bringing us closer to our climate protection objectives.


SPHINX aims to create cost-effective, quickly deployable Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) elements using innovative matrix shingling technology. These modular, pre-fabricated elements will vary in size and functionality, including lightweight, semi-transparent, and modular tiles. SPHINX also focuses on advanced encapsulant foils and coatings, enhancing power through spectral management, heat control via infrared filtering, and improved aesthetics with light diffusion and coloration. By integrating these technologies, SPHINX seeks to make solar energy integration into buildings more efficient and visually appealing. The project includes developing new manufacturing technologies for pilot lines and demonstrating these innovations across five sites. Another goal is to relocate BIPV product fabrication and the entire supply chain back to Europe from current production sites in the US and China. 


Integrated photovoltaics (IPVs) have demonstrated their success and impact in their use as building-integrated photovoltaics. They are also considered promising in several other sectors. Their adaptation to other industries or devices could offer surprising benefits. Unfortunately, the very need for adaptable IPV solutions hinders their expansion as their current manufacturing processes cannot create IPV solutions customised to each sector. The EU-funded SEAMLESS-PV project aims to tackle this by developing revolutionary tools for photovoltaic manufacturing as well as new IPV products that offer improved efficiency, adaptability and integrability while at the same time showcasing their cost-effectiveness in comparison to competitors. 
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Фінансовано програмою Європейського Союзу Horizon Europe, Innovation Actions згідно грантової угоди № 101136112. Перегляди

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