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La Toussuire, France

Partners involved: CSTB, KU LEUVEN

France - Mathis Chevallier via Unsplash

The PV tiles were installed during the summer 2020 and the grid connection was commissioned in November 2020. A first prototype of the SunStyle de-icing system has been installed in September 2022 with a full monitoring monitoring system. During the Increase project, the roof (140m², 20 kWp) will be re-used to demonstrate and further finetune the de-icing foil and control (current tiles will be removed and re-used during the implementation of the foil). Preliminary to the live implementation a set of tests in a climatic chamber will be performed. 

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Фінансовано програмою Європейського Союзу Horizon Europe, Innovation Actions згідно грантової угоди № 101136112. Перегляди

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